Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tech Post 2/27

Project Loon
inflated loon ballons

Project Loon is a new breakthrough that will be available in 1-2 years. It is coast effective and will bring billions of new users onto the internet. With the help of solar powered electronics, balloon-like aircraft, and helium, the manufacturers are able to create a high floating internet accessing machine. Project Loon floats at approximately 15 metres in length and 20 kilometers above the ground, just low enough to send telecommunications signals to a ground base. The producers, Google and Facebook, suggest these balloons will have a positive impact on the communities they're above. It will bring internet to areas that do not have the resources to build cell phone towers. Google's goals are to bring economic and social benefits to the poorest 60% of the world. Loons are already floating in areas such as Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand, You can see the article here.

15 kilogram box filled with solar powered electronics

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Technology Post 2/12

Researchers at Brown University and Blackrock Microsystems have begun to create a wireless brain transmitter, called BrainGate, to allow handicapped people manage TVs, computers, and wheelchairs through thought commands. Blackrock has yet to receive clearance from the Food and Drug Administration for testing.
The device works by being implanted onto the brain and collecting the signals. The BrainGate processes data at approximately 48 megabits per second, uses 30 milliwatts of power, and is battery operated. The entire device costs about $15,000 and is currently in the trial area of the testing. However, it is only being tested with the help of engineers and supervisors.
You can see the article here.