One course that I am taking this year is English IV Honors and it is taught by Ms. Millar. You can see her website if you click here. I expect to learn about various British authors and writers. So far, we have learned the history about the Anglo-Saxon Time Period and the Medieval Time Period. In addition to learning about the history behind the literature, we also learned about various authors; including The Venerable Bede, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Beowulf.
As an honors class, our grading policy is very strict. The grading policy that Ms. Millar uses is a 45% projects, 45% tests, 5% homework, and 5% classwork/ participation. What I enjoy the most about this class is that we learn about British poets and authors rather than American poets and authors. It is refreshing to be focused on a different nation's literature after constantly learning about American literature.
Although our class is mainly taught through a textbook, Ms. Millar uses various technologies as teaching-tools. Through certain websites she was able to create crossword puzzles, word searches, and quizzes that were used as review games. I enjoy the usage of different technologies rather than being taught out of a textbook. Her website also includes videos and projects that her students created, you can see one if you click here. You can see the rest of her videos if you click here.
your blawg is kind of stupid. Try to make it more like mine